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Travelling with your Paraglider to Canada: Requirements

  • Have a valid Paragliding License

    Before you consider traveling abroad with your paraglider, you must have a valid ranking in your country of licensing. Most countries now have an international equivalent that can be purchased by their respective federation. To fly in Canada, visitors need to pay HPAC for a license for their right to validate their 3rd party insurance to fly in Canada.

  • Have a valid travel insurance covering Paragliding

    Not all travel insurances cover at risk activities such as Paragliding or backcountry skiing. Consider signing up with Global Rescue or other private insurance prior to your travels.

  • Have an Emergency Satellite Device

    Many of Canada’s best flying sites are located at the edge of cellphone coverage. Be sure to be able to send messages to your family via satellite, or to us so we can organize your retrieve with vehicle!

  • Be Bear Aware

    If you come fly in Canada, we advise you to equip yourself of a a tree rescue kit, Bear Spray and bear bangers. These additional tools to your paragliding equipment will bring you peace of mind if you intend to do some XC through true Canadian Wilderness. They are available at most outdoor sports shops.