Flying School

Learn to fly Solo

Ever wanted to learn how to fly solo, under your own wing(s)? In Accordance with HPAC (Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association of Canada), Paragliding Journeys now offers instruction in the West Kootenays for P1/P2/P3 schooling and exam supervision, as well as HAGAR study sessions for those wishing to fly within Class E Airspace.

P1: Beginners Course

Take your first step towards learning to fly on your own! Learn the basics of aerodynamics and glider control on the ground & Up to your first 10 solo flights under assistance of 2 instructors!

Duration: 3 to 5 flyable days in the field* + extra ground handling lessons

Price: 1600 CAD

P2: Novice Rating

This course is only available to students who have already completed their P1 Beginners Course. More ground schooling, perfecting reverse launches and landings in various conditions, rapid descent techniques, introduction to thermal and active piloting. 15 to 20 solo flights under instructor supervision.

Duration: 10 to 15 flyable days in the field* + multiple short ground handling lessons.

Price: 1700 CAD

P3: Intermediate Rating

This course is only available to pilots having already acquired their P2 rating. Program includes deepening of active piloting skills, hike and fly mindset, short xc goals, advanced descent techniques, technical thermalling in the mountains, Class E airspace rules, or specific training at choice of the pilot.

Duration: 2 flyable days

Price: 600 CAD